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Confluir is Released!
The documentary film by Henry Worobec about the Maranon Project is released and being taken back to the communities in which it was filmed...
The Trees that Sail to Sea
Hakai magazine incorportated my work into a long format article!
GUT at AGU with the kids
It was such a great adventure presenting my work on GUT with Sara Bangen, kids in tow.
Women’s work: shooting rapids and exploring the Amazon
National Geographic Interview featuring me for their Life in the Extreme series.
"Driftwood" by Sally Huband
Sally Huband incorporated some of our driftwood work into a journalism article in Earthlines in Shetland about driftwood. It is neat to...
The stunning ways driftwood builds landscapes
I wrote this little blurb about my PhD research for the National Geographic Blog, Water Currents.
NWT driftwood study makes waves in geology world
A nice piece by Megan Wohlberg at the Northern Journal about my work with driftwood work on the Great Slave Lake for which I received the...
Geologist tracks driftwood down the Mackenzie basin
A nice piece written about my work on driftwood in the North by Megan Wohlberg for the Northern Journal.
Beaver research picked up by mainstream media
My research about buried beaver dams was picked up by the mainstream media- Fox News ("How Beavers Helped to Build America") in the USA...
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